
Obviously, i know the correct answer, but with an option like that last one, i have no other choice.

@mlibby That would of course be the null hypostrophe.

I will admit based on early results that I am both reassured and disappointed.

@mlibby @dredmorbius I also thought that. It’s just Daily News report, but if it’s meant to be possessive, then I’d go with News’s

@b_cavello There are dozens of us! Dozens!


@dredmorbius so wanted to choose the fun answer, but had to choose the correct answer

(Ive been noticing recently how many people have no idea about this!!! What do they teach them in schools these days?)

@leadegroot @dredmorbius not sure which you choose as “correct,” but I don’t think there’s a single agreed upon style, hence the question.

@b_cavello @leadegroot @dredmorbius They teach SQL in grammar school now? I approve of this development.

@osma And input sanitation!!!

@b_cavello @leadegroot

So, my working theory is that those who do know well enough that "Daily News's" is The One True Answer were also completely nerd-sniped by the Bobby Tables variant.

And three of you are sick, sick, sick and twisted . Which I really like in a person.

@dredmorbius The poll had closed before I saw it.

@johnwehrle Doh!

My eyes have been skipping right over that for FSM knows how long.


@johnwehrle @dredmorbius

I see it on local accounts. It may be (for some unknown reason) a local-only feature.

@woozle FWIW, I see it on, checking right now, your and @johnwehrle's profiles, as well as Hackernews (https://die-partei.social/@hackernews) and Garrit (https://fosstodon.org/@garritfra).

Desktop Web client.

Seems to be general.


Weird that it's showing up so unpredictably. I only see it on your profile and some other local profiles (maybe only if they're open for follows?) and not any of the remote ones (HN, garritfra, John).

I always use the web client on desktop, usually in multicolumn mode.
