
The Sonic people are outside pre-installing fiber hardware on the side of the house so that it's ready to go tomorrow.

Tonight I'm going to be sleeping about as well as a little kid on Christmas Eve.

@tek oh hell yeah! hoping fiber is fast as hell for you!

I've had 1Gbps since about October and it's wonderful!

@greyor We’ve had 1Gbps for a couple years now. Tomorrow we're bumping up to 10. Also, our bill is dropping by more than 50% because it no longer involves leasing fiber from AT&T.

@tek oh holy hell! that is even better news. 1Gbps has been a game-changer for sure for us. Awesome that they're cutting your bill too!

eventually I hope we can get 10Gbps for a decent price, it is just too expensive right now, but I think it's available? We pay $74.95/month for 1Gbps currently and I could get 2Gbps for an extra $25 or so, but none of our equipment can really handle that much bandwidth at the moment.

@greyor Sonic had been leasing FTTN from AT&T. We're lucky that the box is right across the street, so our connection has been good. Now they're installing their own FTTH, cutting out AT&T, and dropping costs to $50/mo.

I have a 2.5Gb router. This morning I ordered a 10Gb version but it won't be here until November or so, so we're stuck at "only" 2.5Gb until then.

I think I’ll survive. 😀

@tek welcome to the family of fiber internetz.



FTTN via AT&T.


FTTH via Sonic.

It’ll be 900% faster, 50% less expensive, and come with 100% less AT&T. I'm stoked.

So, let me get this straight. They are bypassing a provider to cut their costs, and then they're lowering the price by 50% instead of making 100% more profit? Dare i say, what kind of ridiculous anticapitalist nonsense is that?

@simon And even more, there are no data caps. You can run it at full speed for a month for $50. Craziness!