Hegel: "Wer die Welt vernünftig ansieht, den sieht sie auch vernünftig an".
Nietzsche: "...wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein".
Nietzsche: "...wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein".
"Мир! Труд! Май!" - это советский аналог лозунга "Секс, наркотики и рок-н-ролл".
"Peace! Labour! Labor!" is the Soviet equivalent of "Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n'roll."
"Peace! Labour! Labor!" is the Soviet equivalent of "Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n'roll."
Astonishingly, in the 19th century a European country had to be an imperialist and a coloniser to be considered civilised, because colonisation was synonymous with civilisation - the making civilized of barbarians.
Pixar's 'Ratatouille' is - unexpectedly - about a vocation and the Protestant ethic (as understood by Max Weber).
The Chinese are so vindictive that they invented paper so that they would never forget a thing. Also, they invented gunpowder.
That's just terrific! ISIS commits a terrorist attack in Russia and then claims responsibility. But Russia claims that Ukrainians did it. How insulted must the terrorists be to have their work attributed to other people?
I wonder if God does get annoyed that people keep doubting that He exists and proving His existence.
Logic is a tool a high-tech manufacturing factory produces, while the cottage industry produces heuristics.
The difference between the analytical philosophy of science and the "continental" philosophy of science is that the results of the former may be used as guidelines for scientists and scholars.
Curiously, China now pursues a foreign policy that is very similar to the foreign policy pursued against it by other countries a hundred years ago. As the saying goes, "Who you hang out with is who you become".
Philosophy is a sort of hyper-aesthetic cooking concoction for restaurant critics (historians of philosophy) to appreciate.
The Bible is a fantasy with various sub-genres, among which the Gospels are an Isekai and the Revelation is a zombie apocalyptic.