
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

Daylife Wasting Time: saving 1.5% energy by sacrificing 5% societal health and sanity since times memorable. I must say, on consideration, it seems perfectly on-brand with the general way we're running society.

When all you have is a hammer-and-sickle, everything looks like an oppression.

What if you just keep a root console open on tty1?

After decades of looking, i managed to find exactly one (1) woman who is willing to have sex with me. Maybe i should try my hand at communist revolutions instead.

Government officials you are not allowed to insult are not "public servants". They're aristocracy.

"You can't have a sound solution to a problem if your theory of the problem is incorrect or incomplete."
— Louigi Verona

@ColinTheMathmo If your primary need is keeping a set of files synced between multiple computers, Syncthing does a good job, while avoiding the reliance on a trusted third party. If your primary need is off-site file hosting, the solution will likely be different. As i don't normally use cloud storage, i am afraid i can't help with that much.

People will go to great lengths to avoid the burden of being free.

IKEA is the grown-ups' LEGO.

"Think twice before thinking!" — @realitynapper

In retrospect, i really should have named "Rounds of Hell, part 1-3" "Be Entertained, round 1-3". Then again, naming things IS hard.


@nixCraft What makes you think they aren't going to just reuse the ones they hid years ago to collect tracking data for sale and targeting?

"Greetings! I bring gifts! Also, chaos and destruction."

"In my defense, i never said i was good at this. I said i was the only one who's willing to do it at all."

Human Rights Organization Blasts Invaded Country For Not Surrendering Fast Enough


Public Official on Trial for Asking News Outlets to Be Less Mean to Him


"As a half-elf myself, I just can't bring myself to trust anyone who puts the orc flag in their profile."

Nothing like a brief brush-in with modern, socialized medicine to fully appreciate that you live here, and not there, and now, and not then.

Crime is always an option.

Cat dammit!
