
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

"Look, it's not like it's actually *prohibited*; It's just that you have to submit a copy of your ID and sign a waiver beforehand."

Time taken to lose root access on the new phone: five minutes. Time taken to subsequently brick the new phone: twenty minutes. Going way ahead of schedule, i am.

Even if science cannot solve every problem and provide an answer to every question, it still does a better job than everything else available.

"Okay, your argument may even be true; But what does it actually *prove*?"

"We consider your recent actions a declaration of war, not unlike the one we were waging against you, undeclared."

Every now and then i get a case of gaming anxiety, where it starts looking as if i have more constructive things to do with my time. Thankfully, it usually passes quickly.

It takes me a disproportionally long time to accept that, maybe, a person really, honestly, had no idea what they were doing, after all. I can't readily decide if it speaks for me or against me, so i may have to go with, simply, "about me".

A god that has to resort to such passive-aggressive tactics doesn't strike me as a very potent god. Perhaps, a trip to the god supermarket is in order...

Unless you are arguing for an omni-impotent or omni-indifferent God, i don't see how this is helping your case.

"If your God wanted me to be its believer, I would have been one. How are you planning to hold doing exactly what your God wants against me?"

If you are born to fail, the only logical thing to do is go ahead and succeed, just to show them.

My ability to empathize with things i'm not supposed to be empathizing with unnerves me.

There is no such thing as "peacetime". There are only times with lower concentrations of armed conflict.

So... Where can one get a million and not get caught?

If the maximum penalty for stealing cookies is being forced to put the cookies back, then it makes no sense for anyone *not* to try stealing cookies at all times. If any notion of deterrence is entertained, then, by all means, punishment should be *disproportionate*.

Cooperation is more efficient than competition, but competition itself is necessary to keep things fluid. "Humanity got where it is today not because of competition, but thanks to cooperation" is inaccurate; We only got so good at cooperation because *there was so much competition*.

Lying is a more complex, more *advanced* activity than telling the truth; What's more, it is competitively advantageous — so much, in fact, that it's no wonder everyone lies to you that it isn't.

Better yet, listen to both sides, make your own conclusions, and then not trust *those* either.

"The fact that any given functionality exists is not sufficient to create in me a sense of obligation."

Democracy: the process in which a majority's vote results in the acceptance of a policy the speaker personally approves.
