Life is pain. Life is suffering. Life is constant struggle, self-doubt and never-ending existential dread. And it's the nice ones, who suffer the most.
"Me, snobbish? What the HELL is WRONG with you?! You have no idea how offensive, insulting and *uncalled for* this is! I'm the humblest person i know!"
Protip: Yelling at someone, more often than not, renders them useless for society for a duration directly proportional to their psi-strength.
It seems that i've uploaded a broken file; Now i'm counting the seconds untill i get to fix it, resignedly waiting for someone to point it out to me, and half-hoping and half-fearing that nobody does.
When your opponents resort to elaborate analysis, simplistic, emotional responses on your side are very unlikely to help your case.
"Stop swearing! It doesn't suit you!" — "Well, then, i guess, i'm sorry that my self-control isn't as flawless, as you would like it to be..."
The only sensible course of action to take when a Messiah makes his coming, declares the End if Days and starts passing his arbitrary judgement, is to pull out a conveniently prepared high-caliber sniper rifle, load it with uranium rounds and take a shot.
What does the-institution-that-holds-your-money's website and a well-written, secure piece of software have in common? Not that much. This is, actually, an improvement: four years ago, the answer was "absolutely nothing".
Rewriting history is easy. *Not* rewriting it, even though you have that option, is, on the other hand, ridiculously hard. I'm telling you this as someone, who has spent a significant portion of his life gaming.
"Look, it's not like it's actually *prohibited*; It's just that you have to submit a copy of your ID and sign a waiver beforehand."
Time taken to lose root access on the new phone: five minutes. Time taken to subsequently brick the new phone: twenty minutes. Going way ahead of schedule, i am.
Even if science cannot solve every problem and provide an answer to every question, it still does a better job than everything else available.
"We consider your recent actions a declaration of war, not unlike the one we were waging against you, undeclared."
Every now and then i get a case of gaming anxiety, where it starts looking as if i have more constructive things to do with my time. Thankfully, it usually passes quickly.
It takes me a disproportionally long time to accept that, maybe, a person really, honestly, had no idea what they were doing, after all. I can't readily decide if it speaks for me or against me, so i may have to go with, simply, "about me".
A god that has to resort to such passive-aggressive tactics doesn't strike me as a very potent god. Perhaps, a trip to the god supermarket is in order...
A god that has to resort to such passive-aggressive tactics doesn't strike me as a very potent god. Perhaps, a trip to the god supermarket is in order...
Unless you are arguing for an omni-impotent or omni-indifferent God, i don't see how this is helping your case.
Unless you are arguing for an omni-impotent or omni-indifferent God, i don't see how this is helping your case.
"If your God wanted me to be its believer, I would have been one. How are you planning to hold doing exactly what your God wants against me?"