Freedom of speech: the fundamental right of every human to express their agreement with the speaker's views.
"I'm a little man; If my boss orders me to go and boss people around, I'm going and I'm bossing people around!"
The inherent strength of FOSS lies in the fact that no matter how much they may want to, no one can make you do things their way.
Today, i make nonspecific remarks regarding the criminalization of what basically amounts to a medical condition!
"Lost profits" is a surprisingly dishonest concept. In effect, it is an attempt to hold someone liable for the disrepancy between reality and your speculation on what reality *could have been*. Conceivably, you *could have been* winning the lottery every week over the last ten years; And yet, you don't seem to be in any rush to pay the taxes from those potential winnings...
The more desperately you want to avoid a conflict, the worse it will be, when it finally breaks out.
"I'm a serious man! I do serious stuff! And even when i do some stupid crap, i'm doing it very seriously!"
Any security setup, that relies on the goodwill of some party, is worth only as much, as that party's goodwill. Which is, not that much.
"...And then, it occurred to me, for the first time in several weeks, that all this time i was worrying about *the well-being of a self-regulating system*."
I, for one, can barely wait until every loudspeaker and headphone turns obsolete due to widespread adoption of in-ear audio implants. Not only will it bring an unparalleled listening experience, but also, finally, a real possibility to opt out of listening to other people's soundtracks.
I debated with myself whether to release my toy project, which is functionally complete, or wait until i have gathered enough test data to conclude proper stability and balance. Eventually, i decided to adhere to my Minimum Acceptable Release Quality policy. Now i'm glad i did.
To say "incomplete information" is to assume that information can ever be complete, which is, scientifically speaking, complete bullsh!t.
"Five steps away from the abyss? Cool! There's plenty of time to play around. Remind me when it's TWO steps away." With this kind of attitude, humans should have been extinct by now, and yet, here they are.
"Solving a problem you never had, while introducing several *other* problems you *also* never had, AND being disagreeable at every step? Why, yes! We are *thoroughly* impressed! Please, solve something else! Way over there, this time, if you don't mind, thanks..."
The overwhelming majority of people are sensible; They can be reliably expected to act in accordance with their own best interests, as broadly or as narrowly as they understand them, and go out of their way to avoid taking actions they themselves find unreasonable. To think otherwise is to entertain a false sense of superiority.
It is my understanding, that i don't get paid to get along with people; I get paid, to get some useful work done. Getting along with people is either a pleasant bonus, or one of the means, by which said useful work will be done more easily and effectively. Hmm. Gotta check if "goal-oriented" is on my résumé.
Coding as part of a game modification is 30% missing or incomplete documentation, 30% lacking or inconsistent API, 30% low-level hacks to handle basic type conversion and 10% dream fulfillment. And those last 10% make it all worth it.
"Okay, so if you KNOW that a nuke is a dangerous thing, then why keep it in your closet?" — "Uh, to light up a party?"
That i think the things you obsess about are silly, is hardly indicative, because i also think that the things *i myself* obsess about are silly.