
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

Profit is society's compensation for a benefit inflicted upon it.

Be careful with your self-depreciation. Your enemies might think you're being serious.

To say "God loves us" and "God hates us" is both ridiculously simplistic and narrow-minded. You are essentially playing a microbe, who is trying to grasp the motivations of a junior lab associate. The most, if not the only sensible thing to do in this situation, is completely ignore the question.

For those who hadn't quite grasped the fine subtext of that last remark: To "go to hell", would mean that "i" still exist, ergo, did not "die", which is disappointing; And, to add an insult to injury, it would mean that the Universe is ran by authoritarian psychopaths, passing arbitrary "justice", which is doubly so. Hence, the complaining.

If i die and go to hell, i'm going to be very disappointed, and spend the whole time complaining about the fundamental injustice of the Universe.

Your failures are a source of inspiration for others more often, than your successes.

"The good news is, that feature you wanted me to code, is now working. The bad news is, i don't understand why."

Video games are better than Real Life, because in them, you can *kill* your problem, and it will actually *fix* things.

My kids, aged 4 and 3, are rocking out to Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit". I consider my mission as a father complete.

"Can't say I particularly *enjoy* competition (mostly because i'm so lousy at it), but i certainly understand its importance for the common good. So, prepare for some attempted ass whoopin'."

They said it would never work. They said it *could not* work. They wanted to prove it couldn't work so badly, that they took over the project and changed it, until it stopped working, just like they said.

And then, those who always said it could work, restarted the project and undid all the changes that made it not work, until it *did* work again.

The pricks.

A mission is rarely something you choose for yourself; Much more often, it is something you suddenly find yourself committed to, with greater passion, than you would have ever expected.

"Hi there, i'm Simon. I am widely unknown in small circles as the guy, who did all those things nobody heard of."

Nobody is under any obligation to prove anything, to anyone. Unless, they want said anyone to trust them with their money. In which case, they are.

One can't help but wonder, what good is a good, that becomes unmovable and unsellable precisely at the moment it starts making sense to do either.

If your argument hinges on handwaving away five hundred years or so of scientific progress (thus implying that you are *smarter than the entire scientific community over five hundred years combined*), you are going to have a *really* hard time trying to get anyone to take you serioisly.

The biggest problem that mankind was trying to solve since its dawn: How to make it so, that you don't have to do it.

If i had to describe my parenting experience, i would say it feels most like swimming in the ocean: confusing, disorienting and overwhelming. Am i swimming or am i drowning? Am i swimming towards the shore? Am i swimming in circles? Which way IS the shore? Am i ever going to make it? Oh, wait, here's another big wave incoming...

The only thing worse than going through a misfortune, is seeing someone else go through a similar misfortune, without breaking stride and with no impact on their spirits whatsoever. Unacceptable. Unforgivable. How DARE they!...

A deadpan snarker always has to explain his jokes.
