
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

If your worldview is so fragile, that even the slightest doubt or criticism constitutes a mortal offense, it's probably not worth very much.

I am that, which speaks onto the Universe, what i am.

Catching opportunities is not my strong side. In fact, the only way that guarantees catching one, is the opportunity chasing me down the street and tackling me to the ground. How i got where i am, bewilders me.

I'm really tempted to switch to writing in Esperanto, if only to make those "But Why In English Instead Of" questions stop.

The Russian equivalent of the saying about great minds thinking alike attributes the same quality to complete idiots.

Colorblind propaganda: An insidious campaign for turning normal people into colorblind, by leading them to believe that being colorblind is neither a sin, nor crime, nor disgrace.

"I'm not sure I want my children to live in this country!" — "Noted; And where do your children want to live?"

"Being responsible sucks! From now on, i'm going to be irresponsible! Right after i'm done with all my current obliga- OH, GOD DAMMIT!"

"You want to know who I am? Well, there's no harm in telling you now. They call me... Robbin' Good."

Daughter @ 1 year old: *yanks mouse off desk and turns to flee, shutting down Xorg*
Son @ 1 year old: Hold my milk. *sits down at laptop and mashes buttons until Doom is launched*
Me: (°_o)

Never attribute to malice, what can be adequately explained by indifference.

Calling out a behavior as virtue signalling is virtue signalling.

I should be playing games right now, but all i want to do is play games instead. Being responsible is really hard!

Privacy is not dead; You sold it.

Some say goodness is a non-renewable resource that was nearly depleted by our ancestors some five thousand years ago. To this, i answer: FU*beep*

"You do understand the difference between comprehension and endorsement, right?..."

I'm not worried about being or not being able to control myself. I'm worried that, at some point, i might no longer want to.

As a general rule, if you're worried you might not be a good person, it means you have no reason to be concerned. Actual not good people have no such doubts.

That crime doesn't pay seems like it would be a very convenient narrative to push for those, who built their lives around profiting in dishonest ways.

"I see that my desperate attempts at humor are completely lost on you."
