
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

"That's insulting. I'm not that much of a— well, maybe i am, but not today!"

"Come to think of it, now, as i'm editing and translating our [martial arts] style's promotional material, i am, in fact, creating^W lost to history." The naïveté of 2009 me is charming, at times, even adorable.

"What was my user password on this computer?... Can't remember. Oh, well, guess i'll just pull the hard drive out, mount it on my main machine, drop in this public key, then SSH to it as root and reset the password. No big deal!"

It's nice to be able to report what turns out to be a real bug, for a change, instead of the usual NOTABUGs and WONTFIXes.

Everything worth saying was already said before; Or, at least, that's what someone said.

A miracle is an event that doesn't logically follow from preceding events. To believe in miracles is to hope and expect that they happen when they are most needed — that is, that occasionally they do follow logically from preceding events.

"The mind is like a mirror" metaphor holds pretty well. Sure, polishing it *will* improve the reflection quality, but it won't do anything to any bends, from casting, or cracks, from rough handling. And, even if the surface itself was flawless, the reflection is still forever *flipped*.

"There is nothing i'd like more than not to go to work today... Except to be able to pay the bills."

You depart on a magnificent thousand-life journey... And then do everything you can to cut the journey short. What was the point of going, then?

Happiness is a transient state. A happy person drops out of life and society. The universal goal should not be happiness — it should be engagement and involvement.

Planning to go to sleep early today. Taking bets on how hard will i fail.

When every other website downloads onto your computer and executes a program without so much as asking or even telling you what it does, you can at least take consolation in the fact that all those programs run sandboxed.

Challenges faced during the creation of this server, No.6: Locating references to it across the web to set up the necessary redirects to avoid breaking incoming links post-migration.

"If this is the reasoning behind your decision, then i'm afraid you are somewhat overestimating your own intelligence."

"How can you be so smart, and not see things the way I do?!" — "Because i know what a logical fallacy is, and you have just committed three."

"My God! You stabbed me! You stabbed me right in the heart! In retaliation! Oh, wait. Never mind..."

One must always strive to reach the delicate balance between the weird and the strange.

The myth of the confounding of languages and the most commonly used writing method, both come from the same origin. That doesn't sound right.

"My man, there is no one like you!" — "Yes, there is. But not here."

I prefer to be recognized for what i do; And, since i do very little, i must say that my preferences are met in full.
