
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

Losing your obligations invariably leads to becoming useless to society — that is, someone, who is unlikely to be missed.

"Hi, it seems you are trying to pay for something on the Internet with your credit card, but got the expiry date wrong. Please input the correct date, which is as follows..." — I really wish this was not an actual SMS from an actual credit company i received.

I'm a little man; I hear "great deeds", i refuse. If i ever accomplished anything significant, it's only because i severely underestimated the scope and scale at the time, and it was already too late to back out by the time i caught up.

Crowdsourced prison recommendation service:
"3/5 — The food is decent, but the place is overcrowded."
"1/5 — It gets cold at night and there's no TV in the cell."
"5/5 — Would get arrested again!"

"The shuffle function really loves me today. (beat) Considering my entire music library consists from songs i love."

Yay sayers gonna say "Yay".

Enlightened anarchy: The best political system impossible.

The outcome of a war is decided solely by the war's goals. If the only goal was "to fight a war", the war is successful regardless.

But, if my phone is not rooted, then how will i be able to remove all the vendor-installed crap that spawns garbage in my storage, uses up my battery and collects who knows what to send it who knows where for analysis by who knows who?...

I'm really tempted to adopt "FOR F*#%S!" as my official battle cry.

"And that, right there, kids, is a Secret Military Installation. Hi, Secret Military Installation! Look, how brightly it shines in the night sky, and how it lights up the city!"

The noise in my head became a lot quieter. The royal thoughtpig does seem to keep the other ones in check.

So, i got an advice from @tanya to groom and nurture my thoughtpigs, feed them apples, and crown one of them for thoughtpig king. And yet, she asks, why i might love her.

I have as many thoughts in my head as there are pigs in the garden, and they are just as clumsy and loud.

Most people don't desire justice above all. Most people just want to have some useful work done and be left in peace. Those, who don't, have equal chances to become heroes, or insufferable tools.

Prosecuting people based on their self-criticism is only going to condition them to be sociopaths as a defensive mechanism.

"You don't sound too enthusiastic." — "That's because i understand the true scale of the project." — "Doing it anyway, right?" — "For you? Always."

"If you really believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you." — "See, that's the whole difference between us. It would have never occurred to me that selling bridges is even a possibility in the first place!"

"Was getting in that fight really worth it?" — "If our life changes for the better as a result, then, hands down, yes."

Not quite an impostor syndrome, because i do understand how trustworthy i objectively am, but i do, occasionally, find it bizarre how much trust i am unconditionally granted by my peers by default.
