
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

"Why do people keep whining about medical care being expensive? I have never been sick in my life, and I never experienced any such problems!"

"Spare me your 'why you no' questions. I'm not in the mood to come up with excuses as to why."

Judea, 30 CE: "Quick, Isaac, come to the mountain, some deranged prophet is giving away free food!"

If i had a dollar every time someone said "I think I'll try making a game for sale" and then disappeared without a trace, i could pay a team to make my own.

Humans are the most corrosive substance known to Man.

That's not my mess. I keep my mess neatly organized.

Everything i touch, breaks... Years later.

"Hey, JC, could you lend me some money? I swear to God, I'll give it back on your second coming!"

"And etcetera"? "And etcetera"?! Say that again, motherf#%*er! I dare you, i double-dare you, say "and etcetera" one more goddamned time!"

"At present time, I am concerned about a rather significant amount of problems. Allow me to enumerate them to you..."

"Hel'o ye'r talkin' to a d-runk answerin' m-chine! Leave ye'r... *click*"

"You? You, the new king?! Who died and- ...Oh."

You read the game's source code. You learn how to repair invalidated save files.

"This artifact... A true game changer! Finally, i have a real chance to win- (game crashes and takes the save file with it) OH, GOD DAMMIT!"

"These are not the candies you are looking for." — "Your Jedi tricks won't work on me, dad!"

I suspect that they only have rocket chairs in jets because a new pilot eventually costs more than a new jet.

It takes so much work to get stuff for free, you might as well charge money to do it.

Freedom of speech is not a right. It's an objective reality.

That society sometimes has difficulty coping, is a topic for a different discussion.

He, who says to never bring a knife to a swordfight, simply doesn't know how to use a knife.

The measure of a civilization is its garbage.
