"Well, that was an interesting experience. If i was someone, who drinks, it would cause me to get hammered."
"Honey, I decided to perform a heroic feat. Could you call the dragon and negotiate a meeting for this Saturday? Thanks!"
70% of all people believe they are above average, which is impossible. But it's okay if you actually ARE above average, right?
You know you're made for each other when both of you independently decide it would be HILARIOUS if they played "Du Hast" on your wedding.
Assessing the fairness of a system is complicated by the fact winners are biased towards saying "yes" and losers — towards saying "no".
Whenever someone makes you a take-it-or-leave-it offer, 9 times out of 10 the smart thing to do is to leave it. At top speed, without delay, and without looking back.
"Everything is terrible! We must tear it all down and start doing things exactly like we do now, only more so! Viva la revolución!..."
We have reached an interesting state, when the phrase "and bought an apartment" immediately invalidates the premise of someone with a difficult life we're supposed to feel sorry for.
"Why do people keep whining about medical care being expensive? I have never been sick in my life, and I never experienced any such problems!"
If i had a dollar every time someone said "I think I'll try making a game for sale" and then disappeared without a trace, i could pay a team to make my own.
"And etcetera"? "And etcetera"?! Say that again, motherf#%*er! I dare you, i double-dare you, say "and etcetera" one more goddamned time!"
"At present time, I am concerned about a rather significant amount of problems. Allow me to enumerate them to you..."