
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

If history teaches us anything at all, it's probably this: "If you want to accomplish anything, come with an army."

"That's it. I'm going vegetarian. Same amount of scorn and ridicule, only half as many culinary disappointments!"

A wall of water right outside the window. Rivers flowing down the streets. Finally, fine weather!

Double parking should be punishable by a firing squad.

You travel back to 1939 and kill Hitler. Outraged by the assassination of their beloved führer, Germany begins the invasion of Poland...

Celebrating a holiday, which is not observed in the country you live in, is a challenge at best, and an exercise in futility at worst.

Dear Ded Moroz: For this New Year i want some spending money, a bit of public acknowledgement, some cake and my pretty wife. Actually, you know what? You can just stay home this year. Happy holidays!

If you feel like everything starts falling apart the moment you let go, it might mean you are going against the natural order of things. That is, unless you believe entropy IS the natural order of things, in which case, why are you letting go in the first place?

"How DARE you drive at or under the speed limit on a poorly lit, run-down road in a densely populated area?! Who do you think you are, you self-centered, inconsiderate son of a *BEEP*?!"

Found a bunch of old emails thought to be long and irrevocably lost inside a forgotten archive in a directory from two computers ago. Backups FTW, i guess.

The smart one knows to rely on the aid of a navigator; The wise one knows when to disregard the navigator's advice.

It seems reality doesn't stand up to my standards. You disappoint me, reality.

"Your application for forgiveness has been denied on the grounds that you have done nothing warranting forgiveness. Have a nice life. [Sign]"

Turns out, as soon as you leave people to themselves and stop reminding them your story, even for a short while, they start filling the blanks. Communication may not be the center of everything, but it's pretty damn close.

Hero: "Eat steel, vile beast!" — Rust
Monster: *munch munch munch*

Pro tip: Do unto others as you would have them do to you, you self-centered f#*%!

How do you seat the members of both the Montague and Capulet families on a wedding so that they don't kill each other? Explain your answer.

No matter how fast you go, you will always be passed by someone who is in greater hurry than thou art.

"I like your driving, bro, it's very relaxed and legal" — And that the latter needs to be mentioned specifically, should be enough to discourage one from driving.

"Victim Rights", a short story glancing into the harsh, dystopian world of "The Villain" from a different angle has been published. I hope you find it as horrifying to read, as it was for me to write.

