
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

If you believe that 95% of the population are morons, you effectively define an upper limit on the size of your community; In which case you better also be believing that mere 5% is enough to move the world.

History provides plenty of examples where proper process led to the adoption of bad policies; What it doesn't provide, is examples of the opposite.

"Get in the kitchen, woman! I've made you some dinner."

"I was a pretty weird kid. (beat) Then again, maybe all kids are weird. I don't really have basis for comparison."

Complacency is death; When life hits you in the face, smile, say "thank you" and ask for more.

For a change, the sauce on this dish, described as "slightly spicy", is indeed slightly spicy, as opposed to "made from liquid fire".

If everyone takes turns to kill the dragon and the dragon is always still there next time, it is reason enough to question the reality of the dragon.

The autonomy of the individual over their own body is not a right. It's an objective reality.

That society sometimes has difficulty coping, is a topic for a different discussion.

We hereby inform you of the fact we have nothing to inform you about. Regards, your insurance company.

I'm a sociopoliteconomical inactivist.

The human mind is hopelessly and irrevocably hard-wired for pattern recognition. And it couldn't care less whether or not the patterns it recognizes have any basis in reality.

In reality, what you are trying to describe, does not work in the way you are trying to describe.

"...And while i feel reluctant to state my political opinion..." โ€” "Why the heck not? You're a [direction]ist, aren't you? That's totally cool! State away, bro!"

Few things are more infuriating, than people not living to higher moral standards than you don't.

If free will is real, nothing needs to be changed. If it isn't, nothing *can* be changed. Either way, worrying about it is pointless. Though, taking any action *kind of* already assumes some sort of agency, defeating the idea there is none.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but I
think your LOGIC is clouding your judgement."

I'm going to keep this smartwatch as a reminder of my inability to raise things from the dead. Raise a glass in memoriam! Commence three-day mourning! Get a new one!...

"I prefer to make love; But, if you're not up for it, war will do."

"When I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I'm fine with that. But when I'm right, I'm *catastrophically* right โ€” and when that happens, you probably don't want to be nearby."

"Well, continuing this line of reasoning, you could-" โ€” "Wait a minute! Are you saying this as a Republican or as a Democrat?"
