I kind of miss the time when you could just state your opinion without prefacing it with four disclaimers and seven apologies.
"You are fined the equivalent of two workdays for getting sick without prior notice and authoritization. Regards, your workplace."
A dead end is usually a sign you were somewhat short-sighted a while back and should stop and take some time to rethink your strategy.
These are not the grammar mistakes you're looking for. They are deeply meaningful. You are very impressed. Move along now!
The only thing that's needed for evil to triumph, is for good to be too busy doing good to fight it.
It's not sufficient to be right; You also need to be more determined, unwavering, uncompromising and implacable than your opposition.
There's a reason a standard work day is 8 hours. It's exactly the period of time in which you can get both something useful done and still want to live.
"You are trying to make me feel guilty for something that's wholly outside of my control. It won't work. Nice try."
"Hello, you have reached your local clinic. All our specialists are occupied with the outbreak. If you're not dying, keep up the good work!"
There is no safety measure, however necessary, that won't be almost immediately circumvented out of sheer inconvenience.
Demanding perfect attention from someone bored to tears is as futile as demanding it from someone already struggling to maintain their attention.
"This social video game is great, but can i stake off a chunk of land, put up some NO TRESPASSING signs and never have guests?"
"Your exceptional precautions are, likely, excessive. I'm going along with them solely on the off-chance they are not."