
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

If you give the keys to your life to someone else, don't act surprised if at any point they decide to kick you out and change the locks.

Escaping the clutches of an evil, manipulative and predatory company by relying on the services of a rival company that didn't become evil, manipulative and predatory yet.

The delay between getting a green light and getting an angry "Hurry up!" honk from the car behind you is measured in milliseconds.

Nobody can you trust more than the one you do not need to.

My hair is a mess, and i wear it proudly, for i earned it through hard work and insufficient sleep!

"If simply expressing disagreement with the current policy is enough to turn me into an enemy, then i don't want to have anything to do with such a community."

You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars on an empty stomach.

"Well. That's a higher effort scam than usual, i'll give it that. I'm almost impressed. Those glaring grammar mistakes, though... Nah, too obvious. I don't think anyone could fall for something like- (opens news) Oh, for the love of!..."

Everything looks great if the only thing you look at is the marketing material.

Credit card booklets: the definitive source of unprecedented discounts for useless overpriced sh!t.

Casually greeting others with "Hi, what can i do to you?"

New plan: go into the past with a small electric motor, a solar panel and an accumulator and sell it as a perpetuum mobile.

Early to rise and some time to bed // Makes a man slowly but surely brain-dead

I kind of miss the time when you could just state your opinion without prefacing it with four disclaimers and seven apologies.

"You are fined the equivalent of two workdays for getting sick without prior notice and authoritization. Regards, your workplace."

Goddamn ants! That's MY food you're eating, dammit! Mine! DIE, DIE, DIE!

A dead end is usually a sign you were somewhat short-sighted a while back and should stop and take some time to rethink your strategy.

These are not the grammar mistakes you're looking for. They are deeply meaningful. You are very impressed. Move along now!

The only thing that's needed for evil to triumph, is for good to be too busy doing good to fight it.

It's not sufficient to be right; You also need to be more determined, unwavering, uncompromising and implacable than your opposition.
