
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

Ten years later, maybe it's time to revoke my original, insecure PGP key 0x5910CF33 and replace it with a new, secure PGP key 0xF76BA194. Goodbye, key. You have served me well. I bet this will subtly or not so subtly break a bunch of things.

It takes a specific kind of person to successfully juggle multiple personas and not blow your cover at the first convenient opportunility. This is why most people wouldn't make very good spies. Not for very long, at least.

When i fix something, there is no guarantee. When i break something, it STAYS that way.

"I'm not familiar with you, but the other one was here a short while ago, so you must be the *other* other one."

"At the company, we strive for full exploit- er, utilization of human res- er, potential! Full realization of human potential, right!"

"Footnote 7: [Person name] has requested to be credited even though none of their work was used in the preparation of this material and their contribution to the effort is zero. We are only happy to oblige."

Do not assign tasks you are not fully prepared to have not done.

The only thing worse than a corporation that is evil, is a corporation that is beyond good and evil.

"Your insistent refusal to give me all your money causes me significant grief and therefore constitutes a severe CRIME AGAINST BEING NICE TO PEOPLE."

Every person fully deserves everything their own carelessness and lack of curiosity brings upon them.

The reason banks rob you in broad daylight is that they have very strict business hours.

"Warning: Product contains high quantities of saturated fat." — Sir, it is BUTTER. It wouldn't be much of one if it didn't!

Turns out, it's much easier to communicate with people who don't constantly question your motives and technical expertise. In other news: water is wet, governments are prone to corruption and banks rob you in broad daylight.

"Buddy, i respect your sense of urgency, but we're in the city bounds right now, and there's a speed limit. And even if there wasn't, running people over is impolite!"

"Are you any good?" — "Well, it depends. Do you feel compelled to give me everything you have?" — "Not really." — "Then, not terribly."

I seem to be fairly good at understanding things. Surely, there has to be at least some demand for this sort of thing?

You don't get to overthrow a corrupt dictatorship by screaming that there's a corrupt dictatorship. You get to overthrow a corrupt dictatorship by building a better, more efficient government and replacing it with it.

When something outrageous happens and both parties deny involvement, it's not unreasonable to suspect the involvement of a hidden third party.

Depending on how much you trust the speaker, the phrase "nothing to worry about" may be a telling sign that you should start doing just that.

Nobody likes a man who cannot be manipulated.
