"Leave the cat alone. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to handle his primary job — being a cat — even without your help."
"Great job, Simon! You're my right-hand man!" — "Maybe, left?" — "No, right! The left left, leaving you the right!"
When setting up some trivial piece of hardware, like a webcam, requires bypassing several OS safety mechanisms, it's probably a good time to stop and think really hard where you went wrong.
When a suspicious-looking man settles in your living room, constantly peering over your shoulder, you don't ask him "Why?" or calculate the benefits and drawbacks. You kick him out.
My car spontaneously decided that Friday evening would be a most fitting time to break down. Now i'm going to be forced to make more phone calls than i normally do in two months.
"It's strange, i don't feel depressed. That, or i have been depressed for so long that i can no longer feel the difference."
(Dodges the attack of a dangerous boss) "I can do this all day." (Counterattacks for scratch damage) "...And by the looks of it, i will."
Waiting for an opportunity to use the phrase "The main difference between us is that i know which areas i'm not competent in" as an insult.
If the most charitable explanation anyone can give your behavior is being really, really incompetent, it's likely the time to stop and think really hard where you went wrong.
It's past eleven, and i'm finally awake, after being up for over six hours. My sleeping schedule is fine. It's my waking schedule that's giving me trouble.
Ten years later, maybe it's time to revoke my original, insecure PGP key 0x5910CF33 and replace it with a new, secure PGP key 0xF76BA194. Goodbye, key. You have served me well. I bet this will subtly or not so subtly break a bunch of things.
It takes a specific kind of person to successfully juggle multiple personas and not blow your cover at the first convenient opportunility. This is why most people wouldn't make very good spies. Not for very long, at least.