If you keep running away from problems, sooner or later you are going to run out of places to run to.
The average human lifespan is 2.5 gigaseconds. OF COURSE i'm in favor of building a new bypass which will reduce time spent stuck in traffic!
There are people in the world, whom i find unpleasant. That is not sufficient reason to carpet bomb the neighborhood they live in.
With my job well accomplished, i can now sit back and sip the admiration. All of the two micrograms.
That track took years to compose. Well, actually it took about a week, but it took years before i was finally ready to finish it. Here's to hoping it was worth it.
"What the hell, parent? You can't just dump your child wherever! You gotta dump 'im in places specifically intended for that purpose!"
Divine time dilution combined with divine multitasking make genetically engineering a species through selection and mutation a trivial five-minute job. The only possible reason to contrapose creation and evolution is lack of imagination.
It would be very strange of God to not use his own laws of nature to move things; At least for the reason that if he ever tried to go against them, they immediately will have always been like this.
Remember how it took those goddamned Sims thirty minutes just to get out of bed? Well, turns out it's not that unrealistic.
Making good progress setting up my new laptop. This time, i'm carefully documenting the steps i'm taking, so that i can replicate the process if i ever need to.
One tool for one job? Wouldn't you want a programmable nanotech multitool that could grow a hammerhead, a screwdriver, a file, a saw, a pair of pliers, a soldering iron, a flashlight, a sword, a blowtorch, a cutter, a mace and a vibrator at the press of a button?
Prominent Hardware Manufacturer Alters The Deal, Demands Ransom To Unbrick Devices Around The World
I wish i was making this up.
I wish i was making this up.
That last bit of cleverness took me several months to put right. At the very least, you can't say i don't put much effort into my 'blogging.
Life is not a walk in a park; Unless, the park in question is a savage jungle where everything that doesn't try to eat you tries to get you to have its children, in which case, it might well be.
You know something is rotten in the state of whatever, when a police officer suggests engaging in illegal activity as a legitimate solution to your specific problem.