
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

Believing that everybody is lying to you is just setting up getting taken advantage of by someone who will earn your trust by saying everybody is lying to you.

Given the choice, who would you rather side with, those who are right, or those who are not jerks? And, isn't it awfully convenient that those, who are on my side, just so happen to be both at the same time?

"Thank you for calling the Social Security Information Center. We are busy handling previous calls. Please call back later. (click)"

For a Russian, the difference between being all dressed up and being buck naked comes down to a single vowel.

"The only tool superior to a regular steel crowbar is a functioning brain."

As uncertainty increases, so does the temptation to make up stories and explanations of varying degrees of plausibility as a coping strategy. It takes great inner strength to accept the uncertainty and wait for the truth to surface.

"Privacy Policy:
You have no privacy. We have no policy."

A demon possesses a man and uses him to impregnate a woman.

1) Who is the child's father?
2) Is he liable for child support?

Losing your citizenship is a privilege that must be earned through years of loyal service and the repayment of all your debts.

Lies only work to the extent to which the one lied to doesn't care.

If you keep running away from problems, sooner or later you are going to run out of places to run to.

My code contains now
A hack, ugly as warfare;
This issue is closed.

"How did you go around those limits of yours, Simon?" — Strafing. Lots of strafing.

The average human lifespan is 2.5 gigaseconds. OF COURSE i'm in favor of building a new bypass which will reduce time spent stuck in traffic!

I do nothing in particular, but i'll be damned if i don't put my heart and soul into it!

There are people in the world, whom i find unpleasant. That is not sufficient reason to carpet bomb the neighborhood they live in.

With my job well accomplished, i can now sit back and sip the admiration. All of the two micrograms.

That track took years to compose. Well, actually it took about a week, but it took years before i was finally ready to finish it. Here's to hoping it was worth it.


"What the hell, parent? You can't just dump your child wherever! You gotta dump 'im in places specifically intended for that purpose!"

Divine time dilution combined with divine multitasking make genetically engineering a species through selection and mutation a trivial five-minute job. The only possible reason to contrapose creation and evolution is lack of imagination.
