
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

"Darling, we need to have a serious conversation about something."
"Uh oh."
"Or, rather, about four things or so."
"Oh, f-"

I wouldn't be as proud if it was so; No, she's actually powering through on her own, albeit on I'm Too Young To Die.

"Hey, do you remember what was my password to this service?"
"Am i supposed to know every one of YOUR passwords to all of YOUR services?"
"Well, do you?"

"The terms of my contract with the aforementioned company prevent me from disclosing how i feel about the quality of said company's services."

"Have you ever tried being slightly more considerate towards other people?" — "Yes." — "How did it go?" — "Not so great."

My seven-year old daughter has successfully beaten her first level of Doom. I couldn't possibly be any more proud.


The concept of "investment" is unsustainable. Just where do you think the money your investment "returns" is coming from?

Can apprehensively looking left and right before crossing the street be considered a form of paranoia?

I've got Josh Whelchel's "Anomaly" stuck in my head on repeat for two days in a row. I must be really angry about something.

One of the most convenient things that can happen to a semirepressive government is some kind of ongoing event that can keep the state in a state of perpetual emergency. Si Pandémie n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer!

"Simon, why you no install Popular Messaging App, like all normal people?" — "You misspelled 'corporation food'".

"Okay, aside from world peace and defeating entropy, what do you want *for you personally?*"

"I'm way past the age you need a computer 'just for studying'. I openly admit that i bought my computer for games and porn; And i'm proud to declare that i'm indeed using it for its intended purpose!"

"[...] Phase two is when your own government becomes akin to an ongoing natural disaster you can only ever hope to try working around."

"What do you mean, you won't send me those documents through an-insecure-communication-channel? What's the big deal? It's only everything-a-crook-needs-to-commit-all-manner-of-fraud!"

"There is no 'my kind'. I'm not with any group, clique of faction. I am an individual, who deserves, and, indeed, has the right to be treated and judged on his own merits, based solely on the content of his character."

"It's five in the evening, and i Have Yet To; Anyone who wants anything from me can go Deal With It!"

I heard it was a military intelligence building that was also housing the news. A pretty pragmatic use of space, methinks.

"I had a long conversation with myself the other day. Truth be told, it was rather one-sided."

"You dis me, but you do it without respect."
