
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

"It would be a big mistake to think." — A university professor

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Yeah, no. Whatever is it that you have to say, you can keep it to yourself.

Can't decide if i'm a egoistic altruist or an altruistic egoist. What's the difference, you ask? No? Okay.

If you need to start your argument with "(Unlike my opponent) I know what I'm talking about", your position is likely not very strong to begin with, and you should probably pause and reflect where you went wrong.

"While the practice itself is generally frowned upon, the very capacity for having an affair is an important indicator of highly developed emotional intelligence."

"You are not alone in your belief. This does not necessarily make you right."

"I value this gesture. (Note, that i didn't specify *how much*.)"

It has been raining all week. From a refreshing drizzle, to a most beautiful downpour... Oh, Mother, why must you spoil me so.

When rainfall comes, the wise driver assumes every other driver blind.

Bleh! This medicine tastes like medicine!

Booting an unattended office computer into a recovery shell from a live USB to modify a LUKS container to allow decryption on lower-end hardware. If anyone saw me right now, they would (rightfully) conclude i was "hacking".

In retrospect, naming my workstation after the AI from Doom was tempting fate. At least, that's what i would have said if i was superstitious; Thankfully, i'm not.

"Good morning. If it is, indeed, either of those."

An intellectual's version of getting hammered to drown your sorrows is binge gaming on someone else's console.

"When am i going to get better?... I'm tired of being sick. Being unable to sing sucks."

Third week of Barely Anything Useful Done, courtesy of a fried motherboard on an uncommonly-found laptop, which used to serve as my primary workstation. The only consolation is that i have the Hard Disk Where All the Data is (HDWAD) and can, therefore, start over as soon as the repair shop finishes soldering, whenever (if ever) that may be.

The government is, by far, not omnipotent. The people who are employed by it and from whom it is comprised would certainly like you to think it is, because it makes their jobs easier.

"That's easy for you to say; And that is, indeed, exactly what you are doing."

That frightening moment when you realize that your home partition, set to remount read-only on error, did, in fact, remount read-only.

The good part about having a strong preference towards text-based interfaces, is being able to access your data even if all you have at hand is a recovery shell on a USB stick.
