"Our customers get 24/7 customer support via our toll-free customer support hotline! (Subject to a 45 minute minimum hold. Void where prohibited. Standard restrictions apply.)"
My son is getting more girls' phone numbers at the age of eight than i ever got, over the course of my entire life. There's probably a profound lesson here, somewhere, about not skipping your early childhood socializing, or something.
When a wild problem appears, my normal response is to wait. Either the problem goes away on its own, or the delay will have given me enough time to figure out what to do with it.
This strategy works for me more often than it doesn't.
This strategy works for me more often than it doesn't.
"I am a person with opinions and areas of interest. That i need to be specifying this hardly inspires confidence or optimism in this conversation."
"Simon, when someone wants to shoot themselves in the foot, it's not our job to try to talk them out of it. Our job is to clean their gun and help them choose the bullets!"
Over the last few months i had to deal with Windows computers far more than in the decades before. I was also the closest to throwing a computer out of the window than in the decades before. Those things are connected.
@LoreReporter Hey, did you end up finding anything relevant? I'm interested in the answer as well.
A fully electronic piece, upbeat, but unhurried, a perfect fit for long nights of watching the radars, waiting for something to happen, and fearing that it does. The spectrum analyzer output for it is pleasant to look at as well.
It's always weird when two minutes into composition, a track suddenly develops a character and personality of its own and starts resisting any attempts to bend its internal consistency.
As that old saying goes, "If you want your poll results to be in any way representative, don't add "I'm Batman!" as one of the options."
Obviously, i know the correct answer, but with an option like that last one, i have no other choice.
Obviously, i know the correct answer, but with an option like that last one, i have no other choice.
I'm curious, how common is it in democracies for the military to have a distinct political opinion, independent from that of the government, and to decide whether or not they are going to perform their duties based on how much they agree with the political views of the current elected government?
I'm curious, how common is it in democracies for the military to have a distinct political opinion, independent from that of the government, and to decide whether or not they are going to perform their duties based on how much they agree with the political views of the current elected government?
"If anyone asks for me, i'm going to the bank." — "Oh? What do they give there?" — "They don't give. They only take."
"Cursed inflation! Soon, we won't be able to keep our butts covered! (beat) ...Which means there will be more naked people in the streets. (beat) I'm not sure if it's such a bad thing."