
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

In retrospect, the crowning moment in Metal Gear Solid was when you needed to recover a nuclear card key by shooting a RAT with a STINGER.

Waiting for the bus to arrive, i can feel the seconds of my life ticking away. It's going to be one of these days, isn't it.

"I would like to inform you that tits constitute a valued holy symbol in my religion, and that messing with them is strictly prohibited."

Challenges faced during the creation of this server, No.5: Coming up with a theme to fit the domain name and designing a matching logo, thumbnail and background which would satisfy my sense of aesthetics.

Telling you what you want to hear doesn't make any sense. Do you REALLY want to be constantly lied to, just to make you feel better? WILL YOU feel any better, knowing that you are being constantly lied to?

I'm still waiting for someone to admit that "Yes, there is a single, universal Truth; And it is held exclusively by our direct opponents".

"We can not — indeed, we must not — fix an injustice, so long as there are other injustices elsewhere!"

I've been on Twitter since 2009, but, sadly, never got to make the "over nine thousand" joke, after all. I blame my adherence to minimum post quality.

If i had to explain a twenty-year-old me the difference between making generalized claims and having actual understanding of the topic, i'd probably lose my temper and have a screaming fit.

Challenges faced during the creation of this server, No.4: Reenacting the trope about the sysadmin reading a 640-page manual to configure the mail server.

Bumper sticker of the day: "Fight spam with scam"

For avoidance of doubt and future reference: All my stupid ideas have _a lot_ of thought behind them.

I'm really tempted to have my mail server respond to every email tagged as spam with: "Your email was identified as spam by the mail server. To overrule this decision and have your message delivered, send some money here-and-here."

...This post being a perfect example.

Challenges faced during the creation of this server, No.3: Coming up with a sidebar text that's neither overly bland, nor overly pretentious.

Challenges faced during the creation of this server, No.2: Getting the [technical jargon] to work with the [more technical jargon]. I'd like to use the opportunity to remind the esteemed naysayers that i _did_ say "not without the application of black magic".

Challenges faced during the creation of this server, No.1: Finding a domain name that wasn't silly OR taken.

To paraphrase a very well-known and extremely popular politician: I'm going to keep it short.
