
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

There is no such problem that cannot be solved through the timely application of a sufficient amount of brute force.

"I'm not sure i need to be taking part in this argument. There is no need for me to prove anything; If i'm right, then eventually it will become apparent. If i'm wrong, then eventually it will become apparent as well."

"I tell you, it will be a miracle if we find a free parking place here at this hour- oh, hey, here's one. Are you a witch, woman?" — "Fairy. For the last time, I'm a FAIRY!"

"Hey, sweety, can i have your kick scooter for a second? Mommy wants to see me go down the hill and fall on my face. Thanks!" (rolls down and falls) "Not a very satisfying fall... I'll try again tomorrow."

"This site contains absolutely no ads. If you see any, someone is scamming you."

"What time is it, why am i sleepy like it's late night, when it's only... Oh. Right."

There aren't many people in the world, who i'd be happy to see disappear without a trace... But there are. And, therein lies the tragedy.

The capacity for criminal thinking is only useful when absolutely no one has any clue you have got any.

My day job: a daily nine-hour strength and endurance workout, for which i also get paid. Admittedly, i could do without. Well, maybe not.

"To be, or not to be? Hmm." (tries tiramisù cake) "...To be."

"Your argument is valid, but not very convincing."

"Being an idiot is permitted by law."

"Simon, as someone, who deeply respects your work ethic and responsiveness, and fully recognizes the immense contribution you bring to the workspace, I have only one request for you: don't help your fellow man."

A political system is a derivative of politicians.

"Parliamentary speaker suffers concussion after hearing a particularly awful argument from a minority party member."

This Country is the only country i know, where The Party For The Destruction Of This Country (PFTDOTC) has representatives in the parliament.

International politics: the fine art of selling someone that, which they have enough of, for that, which they don't have enough of, all while making them feel guilty for being so selfish.

A book, in which you are not allowed to scribble, does not belong to you, no matter how much you paid for it.

If i were an X-Man, my power would probably be something uncanny like See Visible.

"I don't get paid enough to think while i'm on the job. I do it only because i am physically incapable of doing otherwise."
