Booting an unattended office computer into a recovery shell from a live USB to modify a LUKS container to allow decryption on lower-end hardware. If anyone saw me right now, they would (rightfully) conclude i was "hacking".
In retrospect, naming my workstation after the AI from Doom was tempting fate. At least, that's what i would have said if i was superstitious; Thankfully, i'm not.
An intellectual's version of getting hammered to drown your sorrows is binge gaming on someone else's console.
Third week of Barely Anything Useful Done, courtesy of a fried motherboard on an uncommonly-found laptop, which used to serve as my primary workstation. The only consolation is that i have the Hard Disk Where All the Data is (HDWAD) and can, therefore, start over as soon as the repair shop finishes soldering, whenever (if ever) that may be.
The government is, by far, not omnipotent. The people who are employed by it and from whom it is comprised would certainly like you to think it is, because it makes their jobs easier.
That frightening moment when you realize that your home partition, set to remount read-only on error, did, in fact, remount read-only.
The good part about having a strong preference towards text-based interfaces, is being able to access your data even if all you have at hand is a recovery shell on a USB stick.
"This toothbrush is way overpriced. Just how much can one toothbrush possibly- (sees dental bill) ...I'll take the whole box."
How does this compare with the opinion of the security researcher Troy Hunt? Whose opinion should i trust more?
How does this compare with the opinion of the security researcher Troy Hunt? Whose opinion should i trust more?
The most troubling thing about the tech company whose business model is built around making its users angry, is its uncanny ability to make people angry whether or not they have an account with it, and even if they are actively avoiding it.
One day, i'm going to figure out the tendency of my computers to break down on Friday, maximizing the time i'm forced to spend without access to what is effectively my exocortex.
That money corrupts sounds like it would be a very convenient narrative to push by those, who have all the money and intend to keep it that way.
Tax Authority: Unrealized Capital Gains Tax
Me: I. Was. Just. Being. Witty!
Tax Authority: Unrealized Capital Gains Tax
Me: I. Was. Just. Being. Witty!
I have long regarded activism as a source of constant stress and misery; And i still do, except now it turns out that doing nothing is, somehow, even worse.
"Wait a minute... You call THAT 'comedy'? This is supposed to be FUNNY? You're not leaving me much place for faith in humanity."
Could it be that this is more indicative of your own personality than it is about theirs? Though, i can't really object the assession; Most cryptocurrency speculators are indeed absolute tools.
Could it be that this is more indicative of your own personality than it is about theirs? Though, i can't really object the assession; Most cryptocurrency speculators are indeed absolute tools.