
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

"I believe a large number of firearms along with their appropriate ammunition will fill our most immediate needs." — Neo

"Goin' to a peaceful demonstration this weekend. Bring pipes, chains and Molotovs."

I'm unhappy with my thought process five years ago, so i'm rewriting history. That statement never happened.

Ah, much better.

Warning: Dealing with government agencies is hazardous to your health.

One of the more reliable ways to catch people off-balance, is to tell them to do something they have just finished doing.

"What, are you saying it's society's fault that it creates psychopaths?!"

It's amazing how an intergalactic alien empire is unable to keep its sh!t together without constant interventions from those uncivilized Terran savages.

"You're a pacifist, just not the militant kind. You know, without the bare tits."

One of the best things anyone could possibly hope for, is to die before they run out of things to live for.

After some consideration, i have come to the conclusion that making a fool of myself is something i should always strive to do, under all kinds of circumstances.

"But rest assured, i would never make such an offer, for fear of being thought poorly of."

The fact that such an abundance of banking and exchange fees exists, leads me to believe that holding other people's money must be really f#*%ing dangerous.

The period of time between the end-of-shift signal and the parking lot becoming as empty as a post-apocalyptic city is measured in seconds.

My sudden surge of creativity was successfully thwarted by a severe case of faulty software. Curse you, editor that won't let me save my work!

"We are sorry, this software package's EULA specifically disallows shoving it."

Russians don't have an equivalent for "Get out of my face!", 'cause why bother telling someone that, if you can just punch him right in it?

"Darling, there are monsters in the room! Please, hurry and scare them away with your naked butt!"

Conspiracy theories will exist so long as there are conspiracies.

Evil may never sleep; The problem is that Not Evil doesn't either, and they're often impossible to tell apart.

Go into stock trading! Make someone else rich! They will say thank you! Although, they probably won't.
