
Simon Volpert | @simon@zombienet.org

Philosophy dropout and self-proclaimed synthesist. Handle with care.

It would be very strange of God to not use his own laws of nature to move things; At least for the reason that if he ever tried to go against them, they immediately will have always been like this.

Remember how it took those goddamned Sims thirty minutes just to get out of bed? Well, turns out it's not that unrealistic.

Making good progress setting up my new laptop. This time, i'm carefully documenting the steps i'm taking, so that i can replicate the process if i ever need to.

One tool for one job? Wouldn't you want a programmable nanotech multitool that could grow a hammerhead, a screwdriver, a file, a saw, a pair of pliers, a soldering iron, a flashlight, a sword, a blowtorch, a cutter, a mace and a vibrator at the press of a button?

Prominent Hardware Manufacturer Alters The Deal, Demands Ransom To Unbrick Devices Around The World

I wish i was making this up.

"Accusing me of any kind of evil intent is a violation of international law."

The only thing that's needed for relationships to work is that there is resolve to make them work.

That last bit of cleverness took me several months to put right. At the very least, you can't say i don't put much effort into my 'blogging.

Life is not a walk in a park; Unless, the park in question is a savage jungle where everything that doesn't try to eat you tries to get you to have its children, in which case, it might well be.

You know something is rotten in the state of whatever, when a police officer suggests engaging in illegal activity as a legitimate solution to your specific problem.

Humanity: *acts really stupid*
Me: ...I'm not with them.

This jar of animal-shaped cookies contains the following varieties: a fish, a bird, a cat, a chicken, a rabbit, a duck, a turtle, an owl and an elephant. What is this, spot the mismatch?

"If your definition of liberalism includes an inalienable right to make another person miserable, then this kind of liberalism can go right to hell."

The question is not whether or not the end justifies the means, but under what conditions.

The music in my head changed into something more peaceful. Those tranquilizers must be working.

Passing the Turing test is not as impressive as it sounds. Even some actual *people* can't.

"How do you manage to always stay so calm and collected?" — "Not always."

I get so little time for myself, that when i do, i can barely remember what i wanted it for.

A tyrant is but a slave with power.

Be right back, announcing all of my secrets through a megaphone in the street between the CIA building and the annual crime lord convention.
